Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Scuba Diving

Step 1: Put our gear on (waddling around with flippers, 25+ pounds on your body & goggles is not easy) and practiced breathing through the mouthpiece

Step 2: Spit in our goggles and rinse with water - it's a natural anti-fogging solution

Step 3: Walk over to the back of the boat and jump off

Step 4: Now that we're in, we hold onto the bar while they deflate our vest and bring us down 1 meter and make us do all 3 test

Step 5: Once the instructor gets an okay, they bring us down another meter while we try popping our ears. From here, we begin the journey 50 feet below.

I underestimated the difficulty of scuba diving. Although it gets easier once you've been in the water long enough, the first 5 minutes are terrifying. The first meter I went down to, I started to panic because I thought my goggles were getting water in them. I also thought I was the only one freaking out (Allison ended up feeling the same exact way & 2 other people from our group didn't even make it through the whole way). I gestured my instructor to go back to the surface and once I did, I took a breath, cleared my goggles, cleared my mind and told myself I really have to do this. I went back down, reached the next meter and before I knew it I was on my way exploring life under water. Popping your ears while trying to breath at the same time is a challenging task, and if you don't do it each time you go down another meter, the feeling in your ears can be a little painful. I can explain more about the sea life, but I'd rather just show you.

FYI - these photos don't do the reef justice, but enjoy!

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