Monday, November 14, 2011

Red Lobster Style Cheese Biscuits

Worked off of this recipe and it was pretty delicious: HERE.

This makes 12 biscuits:

1 pack buttermilk biscuit mix (I used Bisquick, about 1 1/2cups)
1 1/2cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp oregano
3/4 tsp garlic salt (use slightly less than this - i found it to be slightly salty with this amount)

1. Preheat oven to 400F. Spray cooking sheet with non-stick spray.

2. Put biscuit mix, cheese and milk in a bowl and mix well to form a sticky dough.

3. Using spoon, drop lumps of dough onto cookie sheets 1.5in apart. Bake for 10min.

4. In a bowl, melt butter and mix with oregano and garlic salt.

5. When the timer goes off, take them out and brush with butter mixture and bake 5min at 400F and another 5-6min at 350F.

6. Transfer into a plate and serves immediately.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Warriors, prepare for battle!

There were a lot of "firsts" experienced this day. The first time I swam through mud, jumped over fire, walked a tight rope, went through a legit obstacle course and took an ice cold shower with hundreds of people. The dirtiest I've ever been in my entire life - hands down. Everyone should do something like this at least once.