Tuesday, February 09, 2010

DIY: Turn Crates into a Shelf

I have a hard time passing by consignment and thrift stores without going in. I always feel like there are hidden treasures just waiting to be found & modified. When I walk down the aisles, the countless possible makeover projects run through my mind and I get really excited. So, I admit, I have a little Martha Stewart blood in me. Well, I've been needing a shelf, so when I stumbled upon these 3 crates priced at about $6 each I knew exactly what to do with them - a little cosmetic surgery.

After a few hours of white paint, applique removal, & moving/ stacking, check out my finished product:



The shelf doesn't have much in/ on it yet, but it looks pretty good don't you think? I love it even more because I paid less than $25 for it (I already had the white paint :)).


Anonymous said...

I've always loved this idea. I can't wait to see what you do!

Anonymous said...

job well done...so super cute mel!!