Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chicken Soup For the Cold

The weather has been freezing lately, colder than I'm used to. Though, my goosebumps are exposed at any temperature below 70. To stay warm, fill my stomach and get the most bang for my buck, I purchased a Safeway rotisserie chicken the other day for under $8 and it's seriously the best $8 I've spent. On the purchase date, I had a late night at work and didn't have time to make dinner so I grabbed one of these bad boys, made some brussel sprouts & rice and that was dinner #1. That same night, I took the meat off the carcass and stored it in the fridge. Next day, I make soup for dinner #2.

  • chicken meat
  • chicken broth
  • fresh chopped carrots
  • fresh chopped celery
  • chopped onions
  • clove of garlic
  • garlic salt, pepper, parsley to taste
  • medium pasta shells
  • optional: fresh spinach
I don't have exact measurements, because well, I never measure anything when I make this soup. I pretty much just throw everything together since it's such a fool-proof dish. The easiest way to do this is boil the chicken broth (you can boil it with the carcass for added flavor) and in a seperate pot, cook the pasta. Add a spoon of olive oil in a seperate pan and heat your garlic, onion, celery & carrots until they're soft. Add seasoning. Once you've brought the broth to a boil and let sit for about 15 minutes, you can throw in the cooked veggies and eventually throw in the pasta at the end so it doesn't absorb too much of the soup. Throw in the spinach at the very end since it cooks fast and you're done :)

Dinner #3, chicken tacos? Or if that's chicken overkill, I can make something else then make chicken again the day after! Under $8 and 3 dinners, you get the point...

P.S. Sorry for the mass food posts, but eating is the only thing I really love to do when it's cold & raining outside.

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