Saturday, November 28, 2009

DESTINATION: Sydney - New South Wales

After a 14-hour flight, we finally landed in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. We spent our first few hours checking into the hotel, taking a stroll to Circular Quay that started with a shortcut through Hyde Park and ended with the famous Harbour & Opera House.

From there, we took a ferry to Pyrmont Bay to get to the Star City Casino in Darling Harbour. Which, by the way, had spectacular views. Being in another country couldn't stop us from watching Pacquiao's victory against Cotto. Here, we snacked on bar food & local beers while we waited for the main event. We even made friends/had great conversations with a few Australians.

1 comment:

blueeyez said...

Oh, man. I remember that casino. that is where I spent part of my last night in Sydney in 2003. God, that was a ridiculously crazy night....