Monday, June 08, 2009

35th Annual Sunnyvale Art & Wine Festival

This past weekend, Sunnyvale held their 35th Annual Art & Wine Festival. Though I consider myself a Bay Area native, it was oddly my first time attending the famous festival. Better late than never! The sun and crowds were present which, in my eyes, always makes for a successful event.
Unlike many festivals in the Bay Area, parking was an ease. A (FREE) parking garage was conveniently located right before the main street closure. Upon arrival, we took a quick stroll past a few tents and decided we couldn't walk around empty-handed. An ATM was easy to find and we were on our way to the beer tent to indulge in a Firehouse Hefeweizen & Stella.

At first thought, paying $5 for a pint-glass in order to get a beer (in addition to $5 drink ticket = $10 total for beer/glass) was totally absurd and a complete rip off. But, after really thinking about it, I realized that it does saves time, money & the environment. Still expensive, but semi-worth it don't you think? Probably could've lowered the price of the glass just a tad.

In addition to food & drinks, the festival was fully equipped with artwork, jewelry, informational booths from local artists and companies. They
even had a few bands performing throughout. I'm glad we made it to the event - it was the perfect way to spend the afternoon outdoors.

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